Sunday 10 October 2010

Tee-ball photos!

The kids had their first tee-ball yesterday! It was such a fun day, I got lots of photos of Kenzie's game, a couple of Hamish's but I was the scorer so had to try and concentrate on that, and none of Jessie's because we were all packed up in the car ready to go and then got a photo call from her coach to say her game was starting in 5 minutes so we had to run back and I forgot the camera!

 hehe kind of impossible to get 12 3 and 4 year olds to look in the same direction and smile! LOL
In case you can't tell, Kenz is in the back row, second from the right :)

 hehe I love getting her faces on camera, she is such a dag!

 ready to hit
 lining it up
hhmmm, maybe I need to wait a minute
hehe I love this shot, the movement in the tee and the bat highlight the non-movement in the ball! LOL Eyes closed just in case ;)

 Hamish, ready to hit

Yay, we have connection!!!

A great day was had by all, I got sunburnt but survived and the kids had an absolute ball.
Any one who knows Jessie, knows she got her running genes from me, as in they are non-existent! LOL But she ran so fast for her, I was so proud of her :)
Her team won, without ever having trained together, 25-11! Hamish's team won by 1 point, final score was 18-17 and Makenzie's team lost by 2 points (5-7) but if you ask her she tells you she won so it's all good! LOL
That's all for today though, just wanted to pop in and share the pictures :)
P.S. some of the pics have been cut off so if you click on them you can see them bigger :)

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