Thursday 14 June 2012

Going back to Bali 2011...

So I have just read through my blog to see what I had talked about and what I promised I would do and never actually did and figured I would start with Bali 2011. I say 2011 because Nayd and I also went this year so don't want to get confused! hehe

Me, up close and personal, with a snake...something about an albino something something snake...It was hot there and I had snake around my neck (Which, if you can't tell, I was very excited by! hehe) so didn't ask for too much info! Hahaha

No really, I loved it!

Steve at dinner one night

 Me getting a tattoo done. We called the March 2011 trip "The Tattoo Trip" because, although we hadn't planned it, we spent so much time with the tattoo guys over the 5 days that it felt like all we did was get tattoos. The tattoo guys ended up being really good friends who we now visit on every trip over and despite MANNNNNY people telling me about "the AIDS" and things I am going to get, I would not go anywhere else now!

Nayd getting her "Sister" tattoo done, we got the same tattoo (Mine is pictured lower) on out shoulders, hers on the left mine on the right, that is a celtic knot which (obviously) means Sisters :)

One of mine finished, it is a latin phrase - Fortitudine Vincimus - which means "By Endurance We Conquer". After all I have been through, health-wise, it is something that really rings true to me.

Steve getting his first one done by Aif. All together his took 15 hours, at one stage both Aif and Bowo (In the other photo with Nayd) were doing an arm each so it could have been longer if he had them done one after the other! Crazy man! LOL

My other wrist tattoo, kinda self explanitory :P

Me getting my "Sister" tattoo

My finished "Sister" tattoo, not the best picture, it had only just been done.

 Steve and I on safari :)


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